Uber Survey

How can Uber improve?

We asked every driver that question in the largest survey in Uber’s history

Role: Lead Writer

For years, Uber drivers have asked for change. But when they provide feedback, it often falls on deaf ears.

According to one survey:

70% of US drivers believe that Uber does not listen to or respect their concerns.

That needed to change. And it started with listening.

To help transform Uber’s relationship with its drivers—and to help them have a bigger say in making gig work better for everyone—we asked every single driver and delivery person in the US about how Uber can do better.

This report is the result of almost 100,000 responses from Uber drivers and delivery people.

Design: Danielle Lindsay

Lead writer: Jeffery Racheff

Working closely with UX researchers, data scientists, and a supremely talented visual designer, we created this engaging survey report that gave drivers a direct acknowledgement of their concerns.